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My class pass is not showing up - it is asking me to pay!

This could be because:

  • You have already signed up for a class that day (you can only sign up for one class a day with your membership.)

  • Your class pack expired.

  • Your account is not linked with the MBO app.


How do I link my account with the MindBodyOnline App?

You can manually link your account to your Village Yoga directly through the Mindbody app. 

To do this:

1. You will need to sign into the Mindbody app using the email address and password used at Village Yoga.

2.  Select the Profile icon at the bottom right corner of the screen.

3.  Under the Settings gear, choose to “Resend account confirmation email” at the top. 

4.  Next, you  will need to check your email inbox for a verification email and click the enclosed link. After you’ve successfully verified their email they can view and use your passes. 5.  Under the “Search for a business” section at the bottom of the app, they will enter the business name and click the Search.

6.  Select Village Yoga Santa Cruz.

7.  Enter the email address and password they use with your business, and click on Sign in.    


How do I CANCEL a class I’ve signed up for?

  1. Sign into your MBO account.

  2. Find MY CLASSES

  3. Cancel button is on the right.


How does the WAITLIST work?

If you make it into class from the waitlist, you will get a NOTIFICATION via email or text.

TEXT IS BEST - please opt in for TEXT.

This will happen whenever someone CANCELS  - you could receive the notification 7 days to a half hour before class. 

You can accept or reject when the notification comes - you need to accept in order to hold your spot.


Where should I park?

Between 11am-7:30pm M-Sat. Village Yoga clients may park only along the fence closest to the building. The other spots belong to Ideal Jewelry & Confia Envia. Best bet is to park on the street. Please do not block driveways!


What happens if I’m late??

We LOCK the doors when class starts. There is usually no grace period. Sorry. 

If the class is packed and you had an online sign up - we give your spot away about 2 minutes before class starts. Again, sorry. 


Why can’t I ENTER the building earlier than 15 minutes before class?

We have a small space with a LOT of people coming and going.

Our lobby does not accommodate 50 people in it at a time. 

We need 15 minutes after class to let the students leave without a jam at the front door.

We need 15 minutes after class to clean and air out the room. 

Do NOT enter even when the door is “OPEN” until 15 minutes before the class starts. 

Thank you for helping us make smooth transitions and ease for all. 


When does the Intro start? 

The Intro Special starts on the day you buy it. You then have 30 consecutive days to come in for class. 


Do I qualify for an Intro Special?

If you have never been to any Village Yoga location and are a Santa Cruz County Resident then you qualify for our Intro Special. 


I have taken one class at Village & missed the INTRO, can I still do it?

Yes, we can extend that to you but it must be done by a teacher at the front desk.

You will not be able to purchase the INTRO online if you have already bought something else previously. 


Why do I have to have a towel - why can’t I just use my mat?

We are in a shared space with a lot of people sweating. Everyone needs to be responsible for their sweat. Please be conscious of the sweat left on the floor around you or when you are walking out of the room - use your towel to mop it up. 


How many classes a day can I take?

Our MBO system will only allow you to sign up for one class per day. You are welcome to take a second class as a Walk-In if the class is not full. 

Our space is limited and it is important to let the people who have not gotten to practice that day have priority. Thank you!


Can I rent a mat and towel?

Yes! We have mats and towels for rent for $2/each.


Are all the classes heated?

All the classes are heated EXCEPT the YIN class on Fridays at 4:30 and the RESTORATIVE class every third Sunday at 6pm.


What temperature is the room? 

We set the temp at 100/104 for the 26 classes and 90/95 for the Flow & HIIT classes. The temperature in the room will vary due to the weather outside and the amount of people inside. 


Can I share a CLASS PACK with my partner?

Yes, you can share packs of classes with your partner or family.


How do I sign my friend up for class? My account won’t let me sign anyone else in.

You have to create a separate account for your friend (we wish it was easier!). 

Then you can log into their account to sign them up for class.


Which class should I take?

Whether you are a beginner or recovering from an injury or illness. We always recommend yoga26. The 26 postures & 2 breathing exercises is a beginning class. It moves slowly and does not have any upper body weight bearing.  The yogaSLOW FLOW would also be a great place to start.


Are there showers?

There are no showers in our new space. 






Santa Cruz, CA 95062 

Entrance is in the back.

Turn down Caledonia St.

& take a right! 

©2017 by Baba Salami.

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